"In every message of human significance, the person invests his or her true self, and is affected by the way in which the communication is received. The impact of someone's failure to listen, to receive, understand, and accept may be slight or immense depending on how much personal meaning and value has gone into creating the communication. When the entire self of a person registers in his or her message, the absence of response has painful, numbing consequences. Learning to listen and to hear, learning to respond
to others in a way that respects and encourages them, are
essential experiences in the growth of a relationship".
Clark Moustakas
One of the greatest parts of loving and being with my pets is that they will always respond as outlined above. Whenever I'm with any of my kits or pup, I am my true self and they appreciate and receive me respectfully & with love; as I wish it was with anyone and everyone I encounter.
And, why not? Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, always says, "Hold another gently, as a Mother would hold her baby." Meaning, give the other person your complete attention. Be mindful when speaking, engaging with another.
As the above-quote reminds us, "learning to respond to others in a way that respects and encourages them, are essential experiences in the growth of a relationship."
This is true with therapist and client; sister-to-sister, friend-to-friend. If one cannot connect & communicate with true mindfulness and connection, then perhaps it is better not to connect at all? For, the one who is giving of their true self will go away feeling hurt and empty. The one who is shallow and impatient shall also lose precious time and opportunities to connect with depth and meaning. It will be fruitless.
The above quote is wonderful and should be taken to heart. Heart-to-heart-to-heart. Not just between favorite people, sons, daughters, or pets. But to all people one comes in touch with and, especially, those who reach out and extend their true selves to another with truth, dignity and friendship.
It is a Precious Gift.