God could have created the universe in a second
Just by issuing the simple order "Be!"
Why, then, did He prolong Creation over six days,
Each one of which equaled a thousand years?
Why does the formation of a child need nine months?
Gradual action is characteristic of the King.
Why did the creation of Adam take forty days?
God perfected his clay by slow, perfect degrees.
Not like you, crazy one, rushing everything always.
- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
Tomorrow I will be another year older. And, wiser? One can only hope. I'll be leaving for 5 days in NYC. Meeting Bonnie there to "do the town!" We'll start out at Central Park Zoo, take a carriage ride then wind up at a nice restaurant and meet one of my Flickr friends who's a waiter, and will be serving us, there. Should be a fun week.
In looking back on my life, I see joy and sorrow. Good choices and bad. Sad. Mad. A potporri of ups and downs. Some accidental. Some of my own volition. Is my life on a par with most everyone else's, I wonder? In terms of losses and gains, happiness and regrets? Sometimes I think more of the latter. But, then, I think of all the people who lost their lives in 9/11 or car accidents, illnesses, life tragedies and random disasters. Then, I sigh, and feel I'm probably more fortunate than not, have experienced my share of good luck and need to look at the glass as being half full rather than half empty.
My biggest wellspring of love and all that's light, bright and just right are, of course, my darling pets: Sweetie Sue and the kits bring me daily doses of health and well-being, delight and disarming joy. I shall miss them all when I go to New York tomorrow but know they'll all be waiting for me, with open paws and hearts, upon my return. And, what a boost that is!
We need these pick-me-uppers. To heal and comfort, charm and cherish. So, amdist the weeds of my life there are gardens of flowers, fresh fragrances, beautiful buds. Ah, Springtime. . . . it is here. It is now.