Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sunshine on My Shoulder

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread. 
Places to play in and pray in.
    ----John Muir

PBS recently aired a wonderful 12 hour special on the national parks produced and directed by Ken Burns.  I watched all 12 episodes and reveled in the majesty and beauty of our magnificent national parks.  Burns started the series with the discovery of the first park, Yosemite, back in the mid-1800's.  He quoted John Muir, one of the early pioneers and ended the whole documentary with these precious words.  I agree. 

Life is like a river.  It starts out slowly, meandering hither and yon.  Past canyons and ravines, mountains & streams. Until mid-life.  Then it picks up.  Sometimes flowing over rocks and crevices.  Gathering momentum under bridges and around rocks.  Until we meet old age.  Then it becomes a raging rapids.  Glowing, flowing fast, splashing, running over waterfalls and spilling over into memories of quieter passageways.

But it keeps on going.  In our national parks and across our lives.  The rivers wait for no one.  Enjoy what you can each and every day you have the good fortune to be a part of the flow of life. 
The river carries us forward never back.  Keeps moving with the force of life, in storms and sunshine, rapids and rainbows.  All is precious.
How will the river of life carry you?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Onward Through the Fog

A friend of mine always signs his letters with this last thought.  Onward through the fog.  What does it mean?  That life is so muddy, fuzzy, distorted, that we all have to trapse on, trudging through the sludge?  Not a very pretty picture, is it?

After Suzy died, though, I kind of feel like this.  Inch-by-inch, swimming against the current, feeling my way blindfolded.  And, it's hard.  Can't just pull myself up by my boot straps when I have no boots! Can you?  Should you?  Should I?

How DO we cope when the chips are down?  When we can't see the forest through the trees of our tears?  When there is no sunshine to light the way?  How do others cope with sadness, grief and adversity?  I'd like to know.  If you have any tips, send them my way.

Some pick-me-up-ers for me include:  my kits, nature, animals of any kind, beauty, trees, flowers, kind-hearted people, honesty, authenticity, closeness with friends or pets, sunsets, winding roads,Vermont, Switzerland and anyplace pretty, inviting and life-affirming.  For a start.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sun Day

Today is Sunday and a sunny day.  Autumn at her finest.  A gentle breeze.  Smells of fireplaces burning in the distance.  And cider.  Mmm. .    sweet, flavorful cider in the country. 

So many sights and smells, sounds and feelings accompany autumn days in Michigan.  The changing of the seasons give reasons for rejoicing that we are alive.  To be of service to others.  To care for our children and elderly parents.  To protect and be companions to our beloved pets.  To be who we truly are.  Each and every day.  In every way.  There are reasons for seasons, and authenticity, gratitude and kindness are among the chief ones.

Suzy, my love, I miss you dearly.  Sincerely.  Today we'd be going for a long walk.  Along the river, over a bridge and down by the old mill stream.  You'd frolic over hill and dale with me chuggin' on to keep up. You led the way to fun and freedom.  Your boundless spirit igniting my hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow.  You were the wick in my candle, the flame in my darkness, the light of my life.

You were my autumn, winter, spring and summer.  For, in all seasons you were all the reasons I needed to be me, happy and free.  And, I thank thee!