When we walk like (we are rushing), we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth... Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Vietnamese Buddhist Monk
I like this quote, because it honors the present moment. So often I see people rushing about, doing this, taking care of that, scurry, worry---STOP!
All we have is this moment. In the grand scheme of things, it's doesn't matter where we've been or where we're going. All that matters is now. Every day I sit in meditation. I focus on my breath and, if I'm really distracted by my thoughts, I count slowly to ten, inhaling as I count, "one" exhaling as I count "one" again. Up to ten and back down to one. Often I never reach ten, because my mind has finally settled down and can focus back on my breath.
When one is so busy all the time, one misses the delights of life. The butterflies and bees, the songbirds and sunsets. I try to take my time every day and am mindful of my thoughts. Yet it's often difficult to connect with like-minded folks who aren't in a hurry, rushing around, doing this and that quickly. I think that's why there are so many traffic accidents and other mistakes that cause suffering and heartache---needlessly.
Two days ago I went to Meijer Gardens to photograph the butterflies. I had my "big guns" camera, a Canon XSI with a powerful 70-300mm lens. I was armed for bear and felt confident I'd come home with dozens of gorgeous butterflies--frozen in time forever in my photos. Yet, I came home with nothing.
I was so distracted by dozens of little children squealing, running, touching, pointing---often right in front of my lens--that I bristled as I took most pictures. Darting here and there, I tried my best to avoid the noisy monsters, my blood pressure rising, my annoyance over the top. So it was no wonder I wasn't able to really "focus" on the beautiful butterflies and take some lovely pictures.
The photo above was taken about 4 years ago, with a little point-and-shoot cheapie camera.
While wandering around that day at Meijer Gardens, I saw a Blue Morpho Butterfly soaring in the air and stopped to gaze upon him in flight. For two seconds, he chanced to land on a rock no more than a foot from me. I calmly lowered my little camera, pointed and shot and.
voila, captured the most magnificent picture of the elusive Blue Morpho I've ever seen.
Why? How? Because I was centered, calm, collected and in the moment. I was enjoying myself and it showed in my photos. That's the way life works best for me. In the moment.
Mindful. Focused and free to be my authentic Self. I treasure these moments just as I'll always treasure this photo.