Those tender words we said to one another
Are stored in the secret heart of heaven.
One day, like the rain, they will fall and spread
And their mystery will grow green over the world.
And so it was with me & Suzy. We spoke to each other through our eyes, thoughts, walks, touch and, most of all, our hearts. We knew what the other was thinking at all times. Wherever I was, Suzy was not far behind. She watched over me like the guardian angel she was. Even at the very end, as I backed out of the exam room at the vet's, she stared at me as if to say, "Farewell Old Friend."
Farewell. I will always love you and hold you in my highest esteem. For you gave me more than words can express. You were my guiding light, my highest honor, my deepest love and my truest friend. For 14 wonderful years.
Through our bond, may our blog reach others who love their pets and give comfort and reassurance in times of loss or grief. For the bond you had with your darling will remain forever in your life. Love is strong and will sustain you when times are tough or the going gets rough. Just remember when your pet was by your side and how your bond of love FELT. It's still there. It's light burns bright.