Sun shining brightly. Balmy breezes. Budding Blossoms. Spring has Sprung. Happy Easter!
Sweetie Sue and The Easter Bunny Wish You a Very
The day begins with watching SUNDAY MORNING with Charles Osgood and is excellent, as always. My favorite show on TV these days and has been for many years. Dame Edna is on, as her show is closing on Broadway today, the muscial review with Michael Feinstein. Too bad. I'd hoped to catch it. Now, I'll have to settle for this interview with "Barry Humphries"--- Dame Edna's alter-ego and impersonator.
The interview was a stitch, and I found myself laughing out loud. They showed Dame Edna, as herself, all decked out in rhinestones and glitter. Then, as Barry Humphries, the man from Australia with a wife and four kids, who invented the "Dame" nearly 30 years ago. He/she is hysterical, and I once went to see her perform live. Had a great time and never forgot how truly entertaining the show was! Catch it if you can.
After watching my show, I went back to my laptop to write and answer e-mails. A lazy Easter morn but now need to get going to the Toledo Zoo and on with the day. My thoughts are mixed, some happy, some melancholy.
I reflect on childhood Easters, when my Dad filled the dining room table with brightly colored Easter baskets for my two sisters and me. Besides being filled with sweet treats, they said, "Love" and "Caring" and "You Matter." And, we felt that and the magic that always comes with true love.
Now, many decades later, I still ride on those good feelings. Know my parents loved me and that I was cherished. Now, alone, in mid-life with no children or partner of my own, it feels lonely and kind of sad. But I look around and see many furry friends and feel their love, too. My pup and kits are meaningful and magical to me in other ways than the flesh--yet their hearts are in sync with mine, their affections ever-present, their companionship ever unconditional and never wavering. Always there for me and I, for them.
Time to get on with the day. Will be back at day's end to report back on how everything went and how I'm feeling. Until then . . .
Now, I'm back, after a successful drive to Toledo Zoo. Had mild weather, sunny skies and light traffic there and back. No complaints. Took about 230 pics and edited down to about 100 and still editing. Loved the bird house, especially, and will post some of my best shots below.
Felt happy to be at the zoo except for a few crying kids and tired parents who snapped at their little tykes and caused more pain--to everyone, me included. Any harse words or reprimands causes a ripple effect of bad vibes all the way around. Made me wince and want to run away. Then, I thought of the poor child and how unhappy he felt at that time. And, something in me made me want to stay close by, even though I couldn't "do" anything or say anything tp his parents. But, I thought just my presence of calm might vibrate some good vibes their way. I just feel very badly for kids with intolerant parents who yell at them in public and, lord knnows, what they say/do in private. Tread lightly. Be kind.
Now, for a look at my "catches of the day" ENJOY!