Saturday, August 22, 2009

Farewell, My Love

Suzy's gone, and I'm lost. We're both missing.
Missing each other.

Every day she'd greet me as I came downstairs.
Now there's silence. Her red coat, big blonde mane with
black-tipped ends was striking, and people always stopped to admire her as we walked by. I was so proud to be her "Mom!"

Two weeks ago, I saw a play called WAKE at the Purple Rose Theater in Chelsea, MI (founded by actor, Jeff Daniels) In one scene, an actor carries out his dead dog in a blanket and laments to his friend, "You know, a few years ago, my Dad died and I was sad 'cause we were close. But when Rex, here, died, man. . . .
THAT was real pain."  Amen.

I, and every animal lover out there, knew exactly what he meant and how he felt. There'll never be another pup like Suzy.  She was one in a million. Once in a lifetime.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Farewell Old Friend

 "It often happens that a man is more humanely related to a dog than to any human being."
Author & Poet Henry David Thoreau
It's been three days since I had to say goodbye to my best friend, Suzy. We had 14 happy years together and depended upon one another for friendship, companionship, protection, and true love.
The past three weeks I have seen her decline. It all started on the night of July 24th, when Suzy gave a distress bark in the middle of the night. I ran downstairs to find that she couldn't walk straight or on her own. I helped her go outside and back in, again. From that night on, I had to use a saddle sling to lift her in and out of the house. She ate less and less until last weekend, when she ate nothing at all. Anymore.

This is the first day of her blog, and I'll continue writing through the grieving and healing process. For anyone who is dealing with an older or ailing dog, or anyone who has recently (or ever) lost a pet, this blog is for you.

Welcome. Let's all heal together.