Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sun Day - I'll Say!

Another sunny scorcher.  Should hit 90 with thunder showers predicted later.  Today on my favorite TV show, Sunday Morning, the topic was "Obesity".

Befitting for a nation, now a world, of over-eaters.  Reportedly, the folks in France were the slimest in the world.  Not so, anymore.  With a MacDonald's, now in the Louve, Parisians are putting on as much weight as Americans, maybe more.  Studies show it's not one factor that causes weight gain but a combination of variables.  Some reasons include low-functioning thyroid, depression, genetic predisposition, and anxiety.  In reality, the main culprits are plain old-fashioned over-eating and sedentary lifestyles. 

Guilty, as charged.  I've never been as heavy as I am right now, sans 5 pounds I recently shed, due to walking Sweetie Sue more often and cutting back on sweets as my blood sugar is now in the pre-diabetic zone.  Still, I've never felt as fat, out of shape, tired or lethargic.

The interviewer spoke to a psychologist, a nutritionist, and a physician.  All three specialists agreed it's an inidividual problem and an individual's responsibility to OWN their weight-gain and do something about it.  So, today, I plan to go for an extra-long walk, eat more salads, and journal about how I can be my own best friend in helping my body lose extra pounds.

Tomorrow morning, I intend to call the local hospital's nutrition department and ask if they have a weight-loss management program I might take.  For, I need help!  All the help I can get.  Losing weight, especially alone, is challenging to say the least.  I need some "rah-rah-rah's" and some "sis boom bahs" preferably in the form of supportive medical professionals and not Twinkies!

Okay, here's a shameful admission of my current weight:  162.  I share it to give myself notice that it is now public disclosure, and a vow to myself and the world, that I WILL lose at least 10 pounds by Christmas!

Ho-ho-ho.  :(

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