Saturday, January 9, 2010

It Only Takes a Moment

There's a song that goes, "It only takes a moment to be loved a whole life long. . . "   Very dreamy, melodic and memorable from HELLO DOLLY when Cornelius Vanderbilt sings to Mrs. Malloy.  Unforgettable.

It only takes a moment
For your eyes to meet and then

Your heart knows in a moment
You will never be alone again
I held her for an instant
But my arms felt sure and strong
It only takes a moment
To be loved a whole life long...

Yesterday, for some reason, I started thinking about all the life-altering changes that happened in just that---a moment.  Big things, significant happenstances that greatly altered or changed my life and lifestyle forever---in the blink of an eye, a whisper in the wind, a flick of the wrist.

The best one, of late, going to the humane society on November 14th and finding Sweetie Sue. 

But there are many others that happen in our lives that aren't so happy.  A friend deciding the friendship's over, a car running over one of my kittens on the way to a football game, a tree falling on a house (not mine, thank goodness) a spark igniting a major fire (like in the hills of L.A. usually every spring and fall) a slight, a wink, a nod, a connection--for the good or bad--that happens in a moment.  And changes your life forever.

When these things happen, I ask myself, why, what causes them to happen? 
Is it Fate? Chance? Kismet? Synchronicity? God? Or, just plain good or bad dumb luck?  What powers the energy in the world? And, its outcomes?  Why this and not that?  So many huge changes occur in a split second.  Not choices.  Life edicts. Situations and consequences that happen involuntarily.  Out-of-the-blue.

Do you ever think about this?  If so, what are some of the life changing events or situations that have happened to you?  And, how do you feel about them?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dream On

The dreamers are the saviours of the world. As the visible world is sustained by the invisible, so men, through all their trials and sins and sordid vocations, are nourished by the beautiful visions of their solitary dreamers. Humanity cannot forget its dreamers; it cannot let their ideals fade and die; it lives in them; it knows them as the realities which it shall one day see and know.

James Allen, 1864-1912
English Author and Poet

Ah yes, the dreamers. . . Life can be hard for us.  The ups, the downs, the gray areas, the rough patches and slippery slopes all add to our angst.  And, we can't shake it.  Or forget.  Such is the dark side of dreamers.

But, oh, the bright side!  The light and love and laughter.  The hope and dreams of a dreamer rival no other.  The gossamer wings of a butterfly, the soaring plumage of the dove, the chatter of monkeys, strutting of peacocks, purring of cats, joy of fancy hats!  So much to rejoice and revel in; so much to adore and appreciate in life, in love, in laughter and, yes, sometimes even in tears. 
All good.  All grace.  All gifts.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What Are Some of Your Dreams?

The future belongs to those who believe in
the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt
The first week of the new year.  What are some of your dreams?  Have you forgotten them or have you grown weary of pursuing them?  Dreams are important, because they keep us on track of our true selves.  When we fulfill a dream, we fulfill more of our authenticity and live in closer alignment with who we truly are. 
When I'm with my kits and pup, I feel most authentic.  They accept me for who I am.  No criticisms or judgments.  No evaluations or recommendations.  We just are.  And that's fine.
When do you feel most authentic?
Here's my list:
1)  When I'm at home with my pets.
2)  When I'm photographing just about anything.
3)  When I'm with a good friend.
4)  When I'm reading a good book.
5)  When someone shows appreciation.
6)  When I'm writing my blog.
7)  When I'm at a good play, concert or lecture.
8)  When I'm at peace with my heart and soul.
9)  When I'm in nature. (Especially driving a horse & carriage!)
10) When I'm discovering the wonders of life.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three of the New Year

This picture makes me smile.  Why?  Because it literally sparkles. 
And offers hope and light and love.  Sunshine brings illumination and openness to our hearts and heads. That's what I'm thinking about this third day of January, 2010.

Today on one of my favorite TV shows, SUNDAY MORNING (with Charles Osgood) there were many inspirational segments.   First, one on Johnny Mercer, the lyricist of Moon River, Hooray for Hollywood and other Grammy-award winning songs.  He hailed from Savannah, GA and left for New York to become an actor but got side-tracked into writing songs for musicals and the rest, as they say, is history.  He died, at age 67, of a brain tumor and is buried back in Savannah.

Next, a segment on Dafna Michaelson, a nice Jewish girl from Denver, who visited 50 states in 52 weeks highting many folks who are doing good in the world.  Like the teacher in Montpelier, VT who started a food bank, for the poor, right in Montpelier High School and now feeds thousands of people and helps students learn how to grow and give food (and care) to others.  And the list goes on.   To see what she did in 50 states, go to and click on every license plate representing a different state.  Amazing what one person can do if they put their mind to it.  She is a real inspiration to me and wonderful person to be introduced to as we start the new year.

The show also highlighted the good and bad of 2009 and the decade that preceeded us.  Mostly, people were disappointed with how the previous year, and decade before, went.  Citing unemployment rises and mortgage declines, Katrina, the World Trade Towers, plane and stock market crashes and many untimely deaths, it wasn't our best period in history.  Yet, there were some victories proving, once again, that nothing is all one way or the other.  Everything has some good and some challenges to it.  When you think about your life, what might some of those "yin/yang" moments be?

As I think about mine, I feel grateful that I have so many wonderful pets!  My new Sweetie Sue pup is adorable, companionable, considerate and enthusiastic.  As are the Kits.  They're all so affectionate and enjoyable, that I feel like the luckiest lady in the world, sometimes.  Then, I have darker moments.  Of loneliness (especially at holidays) and isolation.  Of ruminations and regrets, worries and woes about the future.  Who doesn't?

The segment of premature passings offered a jolt.  To honor and be grateful for each day you're healthy and here on Earth.  Nay, each breath.  Losing Michael Jackson, Patrick Swazey, countless "missing children," our mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers-- soldiers all.  Yes, life is sometimes a maze and other times amazing; often a puzzle, sometimes a joke.  Yes, from time-to-time, we find ourselves wondering, "why?"  Or, more likely, "why, me?"  Sure, we'd all like to live the pleasure principle each and every day of our lives, enjoying close families, true friends and enough rapture and romance to last a lifetime.  But, then reality shows come on, and we wince and flinch and change the channel.  At least I do!

Perhaps, as we start the new year, we can try to do better, be better and give more than we receive.  I've kept my pledge, so far, to clean, purge and sort for at least an hour a day and already feel better about the fruits of my labor.  Plus, my family room is looking pretty spiffy if not downright inviting.

So ends the first decade of the 21st century and begins another.  
May it be filled with sparkles and sunlight for us all!