Monday, July 12, 2010

Moving Forward

One of my hobbies is taking carriage-driving lessons.  Yes, as in "horse-and-carriage."  From the sound of horses hoofs clippity-clopping down the road, to the pastoral vistas all along the drive, to bonding with my steed, to the sight, sounds and smells of the countryside.  In short, everything about the sport of pleasure driving delights my senses and tickles my fancy.

One of the most important lessons my teacher taught me was this:  keep the horse forward moving.  As she said, if he ever starts going backward, you've lost ALL control and it could be dangerous--even deadly.  For, the lines or reins are all the driver has, to connect with that animal who is in charge of the movement of the carriage.  And, once he starts walking backwards, the driver is no longer in control.  It's an accident-in-the-making, a calamity waiting to happen, in short, a total disaster.

Like so many life lessons learned from sports or hobbies, I understand this "backing up" to mean keep your eye on the ball, keep moving, stay alert, be connected, communicative and concise, creative, un-cowardly.  Get enough rest to feel in touch--with myself, the  roads, traffic, mood, nuances and personalities of the horses I drive.  Don't expect more from an animal (or person) than they are capable of giving, sharing or producing.

So often, in life, I feel let down, rejected, ignored, shunned or diss-ed.  By lots of people.  For no good reason (that I can think of).  Just happens.  And, I'm left wallowing in my sadness or depression.  Feeling bad, sad, mad.  All because I keep rehashing the slight or offense. In short, going backwards emotionally.  Not letting go and moving forward---with my thoughts, my dreams, my life.

This is a mistake many of us make.  Over-and-over, again.  We say we "can't help it" or that something "made us" feel bad and we can't shake it.  But, like the carriage-driver, the more knowledge and experience one has, the smoother and safer their connection with the horse and driving experiences will be.  But, not only experience.

Just like a horse needs to "collect" itself or maintain a 4-beat gait to trot smoothly, so I need to collect myself in thought, word and deed to live happily.  I need to get quiet at least once a day, to meditate, ground myself in peace and harmony so my soul will be able to handle any backward encounters that often come in everyday life---in all of our lives.  Going backwards, in any way, shape or form can be hazardous to carriage drivers, highway drivers and drivers in all walks of life.

It's part and parcel of being human.  To feel sad sometimes.  To wish things were different.  To want acceptance, comraderie, familial relations, mental stimulation, enjoyment, harmony, and love.  But the thing to remember is that driving backwards is not only risky but downright dangerous.  To one's health, heart and happiness.  Moving forward is a much better bet.

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