Saturday, August 29, 2009

Suzy in the Tree

The past month has been difficult. 

It started the night the woodcarver finished carving Suzy's likeness in the old Ash Tree trunk in our backyard.  He came from Indiana just to carve an animal totum in the trunk of a tree that had died and been cut down two year's ago.  We'd talked about doing an owl, a bear and a cat.  At the last minute I thought it would  be  neat to do a likeness of Suzy with a red heart next to her symbolizing our  love.  Although he'd never carved a dog before, he managed to do an exact likeness of Suzy with the most beautiful heart next to her.

I'd found Dayle, the woodcarver, online back in May, and the only day he could come was July 24th as he was going to a carving contest up in Clare, MI.  He and his wife drove from Indiana and spent the night at my house the day before.  He started carving at 8AM and finished at 2 PM.  It was at the last minute that I thought of asking if he could carve Suzy in the tree.  He said he'd give it a shot and ended up carving her exact likeness next to a slighty crooked large red heart.  I love them both!

That night, Suzy started barking.  A distress bark.  I ran downstairs and she tried to get up but couldn't.  Her back legs were like Jello.  She tried and tried to stand up and finally did but was very wobbley.  I helped her outside, and she almost fell over.  That night marked the beginning of the end.  How ironic that it was on the same day that the woodcarver finished carving the trunk with Suzy front and center.

Then, for the following three weeks, I was chief nurse and hospice caregiver for Suzy.  I bought a saddle sling and lifted/aided her in and out of the house 4-5 times a day, took her for accupuncture, made her favorite foods, and much more.  It was exhausting but my efforts knew no limit or no end for my darling.  I would've done anything to keep her alive, and I did.  But, in the end, fate has her way and takes us all.  It's inevitable, so pet your pups, cuddle your kitties and tell everyone you love how you feel about them because time waits for no one.

1 comment:

Orandon said...

What a cute picture of Suzy with her stuffed puppy! Funny!

Phyllis, it's a nice blog, and certainly one I am going to share with my brother... He recently lost his two cats (both about 18 years old) and one of his retrievers, Roxie, who was about 20.

Do you see how this old tree trunk has taken on a new life?

Wishing you well in your healing process; and that your perceived loss will one day turn into a transformation, in the most perfect timing! You deserve it.