Does missing someone get easier over time? Not really. Time may erode sharp memories like fog settling over swamps at sunset, but it doesn't erase the heart connections or feelings of warmth and attachment we feel so deeply when we truly love somone.
Suzy was more than part of my world. She was my world. When I got her, in Nov. 1996, she was 13 months old and full of fire. She hopped, skipped, jumped and ran endlessly. Her energy infused me with more of my own. Her happy smile made me grin and giggle and take life less seriously. Have more fun, feel more joy.
That's what love does. Makes us feel more. More alive! Which causes us to love the object of our affections more which causes more bonding which boosts our self-confidence which causes us to love even deeper, and so the cycle of wonder and reciprocity goes on.
Ahhh, if it could be like that with everyone we know. But it's not. It happens once, twice, a handful of times in a lifetime if we're lucky. With people, pets, plants, homes, gardens,
Ahhh, if it could be like that with everyone we know. But it's not. It happens once, twice, a handful of times in a lifetime if we're lucky. With people, pets, plants, homes, gardens,
anything that brings us joy and happiness for whatever reason.
Best shared. Best when reciprocal. The "I-Thou" of life is the sweetest melody we sing, the liveliest jig, the tenderest twig. The essence of our humanity, the salvation of our souls.
That's how it was for me and Suzy. And so it goes. . .
What a wonderful essay to friendship and love. And to think you had this experience with a dog is all the more wonderful. I agree that it doesn't happen often in life with a person or pet, or other object that brings us joy, and when it does, it is something to savor and cherish. I can tell that you and Suzy really had this connection. Relish that knowledge and the memory of all that. Love, Bonnie
Phyll, this is sweet. What a nice tribute.
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